PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Game PUBG Game

20 min readDec 3, 2020


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PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds, release into pubg on steam early access program in march of 2017.

And other early adaptations had established the ground works of this new battle royale concept.

Here’s brier hitting 100 players against each other and a single map with a dead zone circle.

With a full retail launch android playerunknown’s battlegrounds in december of the same year.

That would slowly close in until one player remained but unlike those that came before pubg.

She was actually able to grab mainstream appeal snatching up over three million daily players.

The journey has not been all roses and sunshine for PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds though the player count is declining at a rapid pace as fortnite had become unstoppably popular buy.

It release amid 2018 which left little wiggle room for other VR games to survive.

Especially ones that needed major work last year we stopped playing PUBG on the reg because we was sick of a couple issues.

That never got ironed out the hacking the performance and the lag the lack of updates.

Contents and the problems that foreign matchmaking had on us servers we was upset that we loved the game.

That did not get the love it deserved because these things never ironed out by the time.

We left but they should have been this past month we decided to jump back into the game.

To see how much it improved after two and a half years in the pipeline.

Do you release unfinished and lacking content for far too long that release.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Xbox Game Pass

This is pubg aka playerunknown’s battlegrounds we’re on xbox series x.

Taking a look at the game actually running at 60fps now there are two options.

There’s a frame rates which is what we’re playing and also a performance so the frame rate.

That’s 1080p at 60fps which is generally a great sort of option in regards.

Having more competitive and better balanced performance then there’s also a 4k mode 3840x2160 at 30 FPS.

Which looks a lot better but obviously when you’re playing this type of shooter you want.

Higher frame, play pubg online without downloading on PC rate so that’s just how it kind of goes for this game.

So this is also the test server and what’s interesting is we actually get to take a look at this.

Well it’s not especially early but we’re testing out the server because this is what the full release.

When the xbox series x launches is going to actually be is this update that allows this option see it’s a backwards.

Compatible game but they’ve put forward this you know selection to be able to increase the frame rate of the game.

If this is perhaps your first time seeing PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds it is a hundred player battle royale game.

Really the first one that kicked off the genre it’s a premium experience and one of the few that’s actually.

Completely premium experience most of them kind of are free to play these days.

That’s how you build up pubg player unknown battleground audience.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Game Pass

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There is one map arendelle the vanilla gun sets and the third-person mode.

After some time the fpp mode put inside the game alongside training.

It comes in the form of a two-tier content reward tree in which players level up.

To get new items skins some goodies and coupons to buy stuff in the shop as well.

If you own premium you get access to both trees if you don’t you get access to the top tree.

Which gives you obviously much less to level up you can either play the game or complete missions.

Such as kill five people with the car 98 this carrot on a stick is a nice thing.

To have giving players a reason to come back and play the game to unlock all the cool thing for 10 bucks.

Compared to other season passes we think this one is pretty fair cheap.

And gives you enough to justify the cost we just wish it in the game a little bit earlier.

This content stream missing from PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds for a long time and is a crucial components in keeping the attentions of thayer’s.

This day and age with so many games out there you have to provide incentives to keep people coming back after playing about a week.

We got to level 25 or so out of a hundred with the season pass so well it’s not perfect.

And the customization options are not all that cool it’s still more contents and more content is good.

Which now actually has items to bind it with the battle points you get from playing the game.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Version

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Unfortunately comes with a catch many items in PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds shop are cash only.

In the ones that aren’t cash costs an arm and a leg this skin for the m16 is 62,000 bp.

That is pretty insane we don’t know the math but this will take pretty much forever to get.

You can also buy player unknown battlegrounds steam loot crate’s as well.

This system is the equivalent of walking down the street and seeing dog crap on the side of the road.

They revamp the store anyway you’d get crates from playing the game but you couldn’t open them without busting out your credit card.

But to unlock them you have to buy unknown battleground keys for $3.00.

Given PUBG is not afraid to play game we found this system and we still find it’s intrusive ugly.

And to this day we have 23 crates still sitting dormant sin to my inventory.

Wonders to increase the gameplay variety with the of its new maps new guns in the rehaul of the original map.

With aaron gale 2.0 we cannot ever states how welcome this new content.

Is san hawk introduced as a small jungle style map with beautiful colors and fast-paced action.

It was a retreat from the slow-paced grind of miramar and plain san hawk offered a brand new way to play the game.

Through variety as both maps incredibly well done

.Just like the candy an injected life into pubg version 1.0.

And unlike the huge maps that came before the cool thing about the maps.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Gamer

Playerunknown’s Battleground offered unique weapons and vehicles for each one such as the muscle car.

These small touches of flavor pubg PC made each mode just a little bit different.

From ear mar the g36c for the candy or the qbu and the piece-of-crap scooter for san hawke.

Through map rotations unfortunately currently player PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds lumps the three most recent maps in a single cue.

When playing player unknown battle ground as you’d naturally stumble across different weapons you hadn’t used in a while.

Which obviously done to decrease wait times for unpopular maps.

To promote aaron gale 2.0 they’ve done this twice now and it’s completes.

And utter bs especially when there’s a mission to get pubg play a specific map without the ability to select it.

That’s not san hawk if that’s what they want to play if we had to guess that’s because the demand from miramar and the candy.

Is quite low so they lumped them in with san hawk to get players into them.

You can guess what results from this as people don’t want to have to deal with it huge queues.

For the random battleground game map option which makes the wait even longer.

To get in the map you actually want as for the weapons PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds needed consistently weapons so far before we got them.

But thankfully we have a better assortment today.

Currently PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds matches are satisfying because there’s a huge amount of weapons to choose from.

They all feel pretty useful, at very first of pubg company.

What makes the weapon system good is that PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds has changed the way attachments.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Light PC

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Work mostly for the better you’ll now find suppressors that fit assault rifles and dmr’s extended mags.

That fit smg’s and pistols it’s nice to know that items are much more universal.

Which helps eliminate the mini-game of picking up stuff in hopes that you’ll find the appropriate gun also.

They’ve made no longer do you constantly drop in compounds and find five bandages.

A crowbar you can usually find everything you need in a few minutes.

Which helps reduce playerunknown’s battlegrounds game downtime as especially on smaller maps.

Leading to action as for the new additions vaulting ledge grabbing and flare guns have really changed.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds day-to-day play we use vaulting all the time and ledge grabbing brings more agility to the stiff movements of PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds.

It’s not just an afterthought either as you can jump sideways and still grab ledges.

Which shows that developers understood that players might want to vault over something at a weird pubg battleground angle.

Because while they might be getting shot at sand they’re running for their goddamn life.

These two systems really help the movement system of pubsey which criticized for a long time for far too clunky.

The flare gun is another welcome addition to PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds flare guns can be used to call in weapons or the brdm.

Depending on where the pubg PC online player is in relation to the circle.

The flare gun is actually really cool because it’s a risk/reward system.

As when you call in the flare you can expect company any element that promotes tension.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Game s

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And this is one of those systems through the years fixed PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds has tried to address the terrible netcode.

Eventually leads to pubg PC gamer combat scenarios amplifies PUBG’s core gameplay.

This goes to show how bad the problem for me I’ve seen a decrease in hit registry issues and rubber banding in combats.

Thank god in my thousand hours of gameplay the best PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds I’ve ever experienced is this year though it’s certainly not perfect.

The shooting mechanics they feel better and we find myself dying a lot less the people warping around all over the place.

Footsteps also work properly now when the sound is excellent when it doesn’t cut out on you.

When you all tab other problems they’ll remain unfixed framedrops when the thing hits the fan.

This happens way more than we would want bugs glitches and vehicles acting like they have a mind of their own.

Half the time the bigger anoints though is the popin when landing from your parachute usually.

You play a solo game you want to land and grab a vehicle right away.

It’s pretty hard to do that when cars spawn in after you’ve already hit the ground.

Not to mention play pubg online on PC guns items and even people they need to fix this immediately.

Though the main issue with PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds still to this day is hacking.

We don’t know exactly what they’ve done to reduce hacking.

But it seems like it’s about the same as pubg online PC last year.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds: PUBG Game Online

Unlike quick games PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds matches draw out over 20 minutes and every game ends in the final showdown.

At the final circle the closer you get to the end the more time you’ve sunk into the game.

The more annoying it is when you get jacked by a play pubg online without downloading hacker.

If there is anything that we could attribute as the number one culprits for the downfall of PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds popularity.

And it’s the reason on a day-to-day basis we quit playing the game.

When it happens pup she made history when it came out on PC by exposing the battle royale genre to the mainstream audience.

Through the years we have to attribute it to pubg new games hacking.

We always thought it is the best br game and the most realistic one at the end.

For 30 bucks you get an extremely tactical shooting game with tight gunplay mechanics.

And some pretty nice visuals it’s not crisis but it looks in place pretty good.

Especially for a game that costs half the pubg windows 10 price.

So we came back to the game after it had been out for two and a half years.

To see how it had evolved and honestly it’s better mostly in the content department.

Maps, guns, customization, and seasoned contents the gameplay is about the same still tactical and enjoyable yet.

The lagging connectivity issues have been smooth out a little bit.

Though not eliminated sadly hacking remains a monstrous problem as does the neverending dilemma of matching up players who speak the same language.


Discount Now: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

We’re gonna see what this games like and pass cold front, we’ve changed the music.

Actually have a look and see what the skins are like in PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds.

Do you know des let’s have a quick look.

They’ve changed this is different but you can become an ok.

This game is different to how it used to be all right some pretty basic stuff here.

Did lots will fall in love dinosaur masks unlike lizard.

This is cool backpack we’re not gonna buy the survivor pass.

We and this is literally our first game of PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds on the ps4 in 2020.

Man we absolutely loved this game when we first dropped, we absolutely loved it guys.

Really heard about is apparently they’ve added some bolts to PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds.

Check it out guys man this is bringing back some of the soldier.

Playing PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds and the ps4 it absolutely ages it looks like.

Let’s hop into a game and see how it feels alright ladies and gents.

Here we go the good old urn gal pre game lobby.

Like we said this has got a little bit different of quit dinosaurs.

In the pre game lobby know it’s definitely it’s not what we’re used to in pubg.

Not what we’re used to what is all this we’ve got a teddy bear.

As well we’re a dinosaur yes did mean we swear if we see one of those we’re gonna snipe that head.

If you see a big head like that you’re gonna snipe it.

We’re just taking it all in at the minute we’re just taking in all of the skins.

PS4 PUBG: PUBG Game Online Play

Alright guys here we go 98 players it actually took a little while to fill up man.

But yeah 98 players it looks like there are still some people playing what does move our webcam right now.

Like listen we heard they added bots to this game and maybe it’s a good thing because we’re going to be a part of the scheme hop in.

Go military base we can’t even remember how to spawn incorrectly and we absolutely love this game.

When we first drop it was one of the first people to upload a 20 kill silouan that a lot of you guys might have seen.

Everybody nice sitting at like 350 k which isn’t seen whenever the game first dropped.

So much fun it did get a little bit sweaty as time went on as a lot of you guys might remember.

Really want to cut our parachute like war zone we really want to cut our parachute right now.

Straight down we’re gonna see if we can get some good live military loot was always the best.

But they actually nerfed it at one point military loot used to be nc and when there like level 3 helmets and soft.

Here’s a level 3 best it used to be korea’s ii men okay the loot actually kind of glows our oh yeah look at this.

Six times scope we’ll take that for a sniper hopefully later. Definitely want to get our hands on an mm 40 in this game.

Know that’s a car 98 obviously that one’s easy to remember.

PS4 PUBG: Player Unknown Battlegrounds

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Actually am alright so we’re not hearing a lot of gun shots around here we would really love to get a helmet.

Just need to get that helmet level free backpack okay man we used to be so quick at this game.

Used to be so quick we could lose everything super quickly.

Now we can barely make it through the door alright let’s go we’re gonna keep haunting oh here it is.

We literally gonna say we’re gonna keep hunting for the car 90 years and let’s look at the mini-map.

Oh wow we got to get out of here bro caught up in the stalled you here we need to actually get out of here.

Let’s go we’re kind of excited to be playing this.

Haven’t played this in so long it almost feels like a new game we would love to get it oh here we go.

Level 2 helmet we would love to get myself a proper assault rifle like an m4 or a scar.

Everything looks so good it’s just flashing and it looks great everything looks great.

Hear some shots let’s go see if we can spot them man we’ve only got an uzi for close to medium range.

Yeah so it was actually maybe shortly before this map.

Might let’s maybe whenever we stopped playing this as much for us.

It was very difficult to find games not that many people in asia we’re playing on.

Nice things about this game is it’s so simple there’s no stupid stuff you know.

PS4 PUBG: PUBG Online Game

You just got normal weapons no rpgs no crazy stuff although they added like road blocks and stuff.

Couldn’t off plain anybody there is somebody there but he was probably just camping man.

Not gonna write about that guy too much we’re gonna get into the zone.

Please go home no, please go the ball is this one the balls bro what do you mean oh no this is not a shooting our face.

Oh let’s go baby shoots gg said we’re not even gonna be able to loot you.

Let’s go the mosin the mosin nagant huh boys in the gap is common indeed it achieves.

What is the blasphemy we’re hearing here a mosin nagant we mean sure it works the same it’s not that big of a deal.

Okay this storm is fast hang on a second come on red zone don’t do it to us come on the sides.

Don’t do it, we don’t have to be enemies red zone all right let’s heal up we’re gonna drink some juice that’s what heals you.

Gonna drink somewhere geez cuz we’re thirsty we literally have to swim.

Now we have no choice oh look at this guy.

Can he swim faster than us we’re dying in the water.

Dying in the water run let me get behind this rock.

Mean we’re heading this guy okay we had a lot of time there’s no mistake about at that time.

All right moves in the gown folks we like it so far we don’t have too far to go for the zone.

PS4 PUBG: Online PUBG Game

Discount Now: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

Oh it crashed into the tree did you guys see that of course you did go.

Good day to us big boy don’t do it to us we don’t like this bro not like that’s.

We were good, we’re friends we don’t have to be enemies not as not as disgusting.

Where are you, we need to see the deaf come how was your experience as much we can say it was fun.

It was pretty fun all right let’s go pine numb let’s go playing on we never really been playing on that much.

Whenever we actually played this game pretty much always went to paradise or boot camp.

Completely missed it all right let’s see anybody around we didn’t see it okay there’s one there’s one over there.

All right let’s actually try to get in the early fight here a very unnecessary rule if you ask us.

But we so badly want to cross through doors we wanted to okay.

Already getting way better late than last game yo three times.

Oh our god this is so laggy all right let’s get some.

Leave this helmet oh it tells you the level of the helmet let’s get travel this level to backpack.

Grab that for the easy grab the free time scope yeah nice good.

Lot of shots going on all right let’s see if we can get a win in this game look at 85 alive.

Pretty sure like some of these have to be ball to right like that’s just the law of averages.


Discount Now: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

Nice we got the slr time let’s go again we’re gonna try and get like a car 98 or something.

Though so we guess they out of the mosin and remove the car 98 whatever correct in thinking.

Get some shots off here we’ve only got a level one best unfortunately all right let’s go hunting.

People over here so yeah it was actually sound hawk that they dropped 20 kills on and this was.

Our favorite map for a long time we first played PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds in the bc.

But at the time we preferred h1z1 king of the kill because it was a bit more fast paced.

Thing that always surprised us about the scheme whenever we first played it was the console gameplay.

Way more fast paced people are actually running.

Made a lot more fun and obviously here on controller people can to kill you as quickly.

Yeah get the loot bro get the loot he hurt ramesh go go go scorpion give us this full vest.

Wanna put a red dot on okay we went on the kiwis head bro our sensitivity so low.

You guys think of the bots on the scheme for us like that’s not something of a huge fan of.

Mean him it is kind of nice that the lobbyists welling up.

Because they know that the lobbies weren’t filling up before.

Definitely you know it’s got its pros and cons we guess you know if lobby.

Started filling up we guess bart is okay we would rather know that if we got a really good game.

PS4 PUBG: PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds PS4

Won against real people do you not we mean otherwise it’s just kind of like a single-player game.

We understand why they’re doing it but we don’t know man we’re not a huge fan of it to be honest with you.

Cannot hear anybody’s footsteps until they’re basically running next to you.

Okay we’re not too bad alright 54 alive we’re halfway through the game this could be a second game.

Guys can we get the win second game on we need some good luck like.

Hopefully we can get them in here oh shots here let’s go put oh no red zone please no not like this.

Keep running we’re gonna keep running we can’t believe they haven’t got rid of red zone yet.

Kind of annoying please don’t kill us red zone.

Gonna relax in here for a minute wait until that red zone passes okay.

Heard somebody oh nice headshot let’s go let’s go we love the SLR, the SLR is filthy one body shot one head shot.

Game over let’s go yeah we’ve got to make this rotation bro awesome buddy just got in the car behind us.

Said did he notice us get him think he noticed.

Cars are so powerful in this game this rotation is rough.

Anybody closed please chill please chill chill ouch we always see you guys over there guy to our left.

Alright we’re safe were safe is this guy gonna stop are we gonna get into this building.

Well we think there’s a guy in this building we think you hurt him.


Discount Now: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

Maybe not though all right we’re chillin bertillon let’s say late and get this win guys.

Back in the building we guess seeing him in there.

Yeah he’s in there, yes the push did he have anything maybe you can’t loot him.

Really laid him there’s only 17 alive though guys.

Let’s actually get this win bro we’ve not won a game of PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds in so long.

It’s over like at the circle van top of that hill somewhere running a little bit low on ammo though.

Just gonna comb the edge of the storm here maybe not.

Top of that hill we think about feeling somebody’s coming behind us soon there’s anybody watching me.

Gonna watch this make sure nobody’s coming from here no way yet freakin you did.

Shall get a life guys we think this is one great one they first said.

Won our first ever game here in the safe zone.

Literally where we won our first ever game guys this.

Would be quite ironic or something it would be befitting.

There’s a guy out there bro this ghana’s building no way oh no that hit us.

Came second place no way no freaking way guys a game 2nd place finish bro.

Didn’t even see him with that you know.

Lot of fun you know gg used to pubg bro definitely noticed that there are some bolts.

Right at the end of the match like those were definitely some real players.

We was fighting against at the end especially the guy who won obviously.

PS4 PUBG: PUBG Online Play

Couple of those guys were like making it really annoying to fight.

Definitely found a couple of bolts in this video for 20 bp as well we got the 420 bp.

Pretty much PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds in the ps4 in 2020 still a fun game.

In our opinion unfortunately it’s got bots but it kind of does make it fun on the way.

Because we was able to find lobbies within a minute but maybe six months ago yet.

Months ago it was taking me 5, 10, 15 minutes to find a game and we couldn’t even find lobbies.

Improved on that aspect and getting down to the end.

It is still really tense and really fun to be in that 1 vs 1.

If you guys like war zone that’s pretty much.

Man that’s shallow can we get this top two nd this will be our last game no matter what.

What we play so if you guys want to check it out xtreme.

Right we was kind of cheesy but yeah let’s get hunting guys we went a military.

So we don’t get one tapped because we’re pretty sure people are in seeing that this game by now.

That’s a little bit different season 7 survivor.

Drop rates for guns have been adjusted up through time which is one of the most impactful tweaks.

Custom matches seasons and of course new maps guns and player customizations PUBG main source of progression.

So when we do these reviews we actually do a whole review of the game so you can understand what it’s like.

PUBG Play Online

Discount Now: PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds

If you’re looking for a slow pace pubg for windows game it’s definitely worth the try.

Matchmaking still remains a huge issue grouping players in different countries.

Regardless of the regional matchmaking system that was implemented in october of 2018 in a player unknown game.

That has primarily group based options that is of vital importance qualms aside though PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds is better in 2019.

Or you’re looking for some supreme pubg mobile online play content I’d recommend checking out gamexplode on youtube.

At its peak on PC almost two and a half years have gone by and though it’s been amazing achievement so far.

We’ll show off both but we just want to kind of mention that right off the bat so you understand that.

Two and a half years later on the flip side though PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds has done.

It is complete and utter garbage and it wasn’t a game as is before.

Nobody wants to spam the random map option and then dip out of every map.

Think some of them just have to be ball so hopefully we can get an easy win.

Not like that’s chill chill you don’t need this girl you don’t need this girl relax relax relax don’t reverse over us.

Let’s finish guys pretty close by and we love the footstep signs we heard that guy from so far away in war zone.

Which terrible it’s really unfortunate because the longer the game plays out the more painful it is to get killed by a hacker.

In latency issues that plagued the game since launch the fact that they had to institute.

Have a great day.

PlayerUnknown’s BattleGrounds Gameplay



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